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Recommended Listening :: The Mainspring Family Wellness Podcast

We love the The Mainspring Family Wellness Podcast and even partnered with them for a…

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Why talk to the cashier?

This article originally appeared on screenagers.com, check it out here. The other day a mom…

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Recommended Reading :: Children Need Close Pals, Not Popularity

We found an interesting article from the Wall Street Journal that has so much meaning…

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Meet Dr. Carli

This article originally appeared in the September 2017 issue of 89135 Zip Code Magazine, however,…

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Teach Girls Bravery, Not Perfection

This is an important and inspiring Ted Talk that I couldn’t agree with more. “We’re…

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Ambassador Spotlight: Hanna Thistle

Girl power is in the air, and The Meadows School senior Hanna Thistle is leading…

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Serving Your Success with Andrea Goeglein

Recently I was able to chat with Andrea Goeglein! We talked about the start of…

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Things We Love :: Sit With Us App

Last week an app was released that is helping to reduce bullying! The ‘Sit With…

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Tips to Help Mothers and Daughters Build a Strong Relationship | Girl Nation

Tips to Help Mothers and Daughters Build a Strong Relationship

In my opinion, the mother-daughter relationship is one of the most powerful bonds in the…

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Community Service :: Child Haven | Girl Nation

Community Service :: Child Haven

This year the Girl Nation girls at Alexander Dawson School created Girl Nation “Love Yourself”…

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50 Things I Would Rather Be Than “Pretty” | Girl Nation

50 Things I Would Rather Be Than “Pretty”

American media sells beauty. Whether you are being pushed to buy the newest powder or…

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Things That Fill Me Up | Girl Nation

The Things That Fill Me Up

I will never forget the day that my little, 13-going-on-30, I swear she might have…

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